In America 2017
Publisher: Lente Media
In cooperation with Eye2Eye Media, creator of The Passion
Concept: A beautifully designed, single issue, glossy magazine about the most famous person on earth: Jesus.
Purpose: A glossy magazine, that will surprise, inform and inspire the reader. Christians often can’t read enough about Jesus, and non-Christians tend to view books or films about Jesus with suspicion. This Jesus! magazine surprises both non-Christian and Christian alike, refreshing or even adjusting the image people have or make of Jesus.
Specs: 128 pages; 23 x 30 cm; Offset paper.
Chief Editor: The Chief Editor is well-known, not a Christian, but open to being surprised and inspired during a quest for Jesus. He/she must be willing to be alone in a dessert for 40 hours and allow him- or herself to be tempted by Jesus’ questions. It will also be his or her assignment to consolidate all articles and represent the magazine to other media.
Translatability: At least 50% of the magazine can be translated straight across for any country. The other 50% is fairly easily substituted by articles pertaining each country’s own culture. The concepts of these articles are clear, however, the editors of each country will write them using their own individual touch.
Design: KesselsKramer (Los Angeles, London, Amsterdam).
1st edition: The first edition is published in the Netherlands by Lente Media and is produced by Arthur Japin as Chief Editor, and four editors.
Sales figures: Within 3 months 60.000 issues were sold in The Netherlands.
One of a kind
- Only the best authors, the best photographers and designers. Their background (Christian or not) is of no importance.
- Both information and inspiration
- No blasphemy, no obscenities
- Main target group are readers who know little to nothing of Jesus. Secondary target group are Christians who are open to be surprised, confronted and inspired.
- In co-production with Dutch publisher / editors
“Finally the most famous person on earth has his own glossy magazine”
‘Jesus has his own glossy and it’s brilliant!’
(Caroline Vader, Bladendokter – Dutch online magazine)
‘It’s made with respect, looks good and what’s written in it is usually no nonsense.’ (Stefan Paas, theologian VU University Amsterdam)
‘That’s what this glossy does to you. It shakes you up, it makes you laugh, cry, irritated, maybe even angry – and then it suddenly makes you very quiet.
(Henk Medema, publisher)
‘The feel-good Jesus-sensation, without religion. And very well put together.’ (NRC – Dutch evening daily newspaper)
‘Quite admirable. […] It shows that even a religion is able to modernize and thus address and entirely new target group.’
The whole magazine has been translated into English and is available for review upon request at: [email protected].
To date, rights licensed to France and license options for Germany and China.